The Sullivan Fire Protection District consists of 12 Full-Time Employees: 1 Fire Chief, 1 Office Administrator, 1 Fire Marshal, 9 paid Firefighters, and 29 Volunteer Firefighters
Sullivan Fire Protection District consists of 5 fire stations. 3 outlying volunteer stations and 2 stations in the City of Sullivan; 1 manned 24/7, and the other Monday-Friday 8-4:30
The Sullivan Fire Protection District Board of Directors consist of 3 members.
President: Frank Blanton
Vice President: Jordan Tod
Treasurer: Chris Garner
The Board of Directors meet on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 5:30 at Station 1
If you ever wonder what type of emergencies your firefighters run, events we put on or participate in, or anything. Join us on our Sullivan Fire Community Outreach Page on Facebook to follow your Sullivan Firefighters.
We are always looking for ways to be out with our community. If you have any event coming up that you would like to have a firetruck at or a booth from your fire department. Contact Captain Ray Enloe at If you would like to see some of the events we do within the community please refer to the photos page or the Public Relations page.