Fire Prevention is the most effective means for reducing loss due to fire. The diligent practice of fire safety habits, along with common sense can reduce the number of fire related incidents.
The Fire Prevention Division employs a Fire Marshal that is certified by the State of Missouri as Fire Inspector and Investigator. The Fire Marshal is responsible for plan review, new construction inspections, occupancy inspections, and issuance of permits. The fire crews perform annual inspections on commercial occupancies, educational occupancies, assembly occupancies, as well as special occupancies. All new and re-constructed commercial buildings require a permit from the Fire Prevention Division. Construction documents are reviewed and approved by the Fire Prevention Division prior to inspections. Framing, ceiling cover, and final inspections are made prior to occupancy of any permitted construction project. Permits are also issued for fire sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, and other types of fire suppression systems. See the section below for a link to our permit application. You can fill out and email the permit application to the Fire Marshal or stop by the office at 6 S. Church St. If you have any questions please contact the Fire Marshal at 573-468-6161 or .
The Sullivan Fire Protection District board of directors passed an ordinance in 2018 that adopted the IFC 2018 codes along with a fee schedule for permits. The district follows the IFC and ICC codes when reviewing plans, inspections, and monitoring testing of systems.
A property owner or owners authorized agent who intends to conduct an operation or business, or install or modify systems and equipment that are regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be preformed, shall first make application to the fire code official and obtain the required permit.
A building permit is required for any commercial building within the Sullivan Fire Protection District.
Coordination of activities and communications with the City of Sullivan's Building Department on all new construction, existing construction, and remodeling projects helps to insure that residents and builders receive the appropriate permits and inspections.
The City of Sullivan and the Sullivan Fire Protection District are two separate entities. For construction inside the city limits a permit is required from both organizations.
The Sullivan Fire Protection District requires a firework permit if you sell fireworks or put on a static display. This will include the fire marshal completing an on site inspection of your business or operation before a permit will be issued. Please click on the link and fill out a firework permit application. You can email your application or drop it off at the office. Fees are due before a permit will be issued. Fee for permit is $75. Any Questions feel free to contact the Fire Marshal at or call the office at 573-468-6161.
The Sullivan Fire Protection District requires an occupancy permit for all new commercial businesses, change of business name, or relocation. If you have applied for a city license, you will need to apply for an occupancy permit from the fire district. If your business is outside the city limits but within the Sullivan Fire District, you will still need to apply for a permit. This will include the fire marshal completing an on site inspection of your business before a permit will be issued. Please click on the link and fill out an occupancy permit application. You can email your application or drop it off at the office. Fees are $25 and are due before a permit will be issued. Any Questions feel free to contact the Fire marshal at or call the office at 573-468-6161.
105.3.3 Occupancy prohibited before approval
The building or structure shall not be occupied prior to the fire code official issuing a permit and conducting associated inspections indicating the applicable provisions of this code have been met.
The Sullivan Fire Protection District requires a building permit for all commercial construction. This includes new construction, remodel, and additions. Please click on the link and fill out a building permit application. You can email your application or drop it off at the office. Two Sets of plans are required. One set of electronic and one set of paper copies of the plans are required to accompany the building permit application. Fees are due before a permit will be issued. Any Questions feel free to contact the Fire marshal at or call the office at 573-468-6161.
Food trucks can operated within the Sullivan Fire District by obtaining a occupancy permit from the fire district. Please call the fire marshal if you have any questions. 573-468-6161.
1. An occupancy permit shall be required by the Sullivan Fire Protections District. The permit is valid for 1 year and is not bound to a specific address. The permit must be displayed and visible at all times.
2. Wheel chocks shall be used to prevent mobile and temporary cooking operations from moving.
3. A minimum of one 2A:10ABC extinguisher shall be provided when a generator or other fuel fired appliance is used, wood or charcoal is used, or electric cooking is performed.
4. Mobile cooking operations shall be separated from buildings or structures, combustible materials, vehicles, and other cooking operations by a minimum of 10’.
5. Mobile or temporary cooking operations shall not block fire department access roads, fire lanes, hydrants, or other fire protections devices.
6. Portable generators shall be positioned so that the exhaust is at least 5’ in any direction away from any openings, air intakes, means of egress, or part of the building or vehicle.
7. Flammable liquids shall not be stored inside of the temporary cooking areas.
8. Cylinders shall be secured in an upright position.
9. Deep fat fryers or other appliances having combustible liquids heated by LP gas or electricity shall be protected by an approved hood fire suppression system.
If you have any questions please call or email the fire marshal at 573-468-6161 or
The Sullivan Fire Protection District ordinances require a Knox Box on all new construction, remodels, buildings with fire suppression systems, fire alarm systems, and gate or fences that restrict fire district access to building or hydrants. Site owners shall order their own Knox Box following the directions below. Once you receive and install you Knox Box, call the fire marshal to secure your keys .
Mounting Instructions: The Knox box shall be mounted on the building or gate, to the right side of the door, at least 3 feet off the ground, but not more than 5 feet from the ground. If your building will not allow this you must contact the fire code official to get a pre-approved location before mounting.
Once again when you get the Knox Box installed per the ordinance listed above you can call the fire marshal at 573-468-6161 or email at .
Ordering Instructions:
1. Click on the link
2. Click on products
3. Select the state (Missouri)
4. Type in fire dept. code (Sullivan FPD)
5. Select commercial Knox Boxes
**The options are surface mounted, which mounts to the existing surface or recessed mount, which is mounted during new construction and the exterior wall covering can be put around the box.
The Sullivan Fire Protection District has adopted ordinances that will help regulate and govern the safeguarding of life and property. These ordinances have been adopted by the Board of Directors. Ordinances will be reviewed every year to ensure the highest quality of service and safety is being provided to our district. You are invited to attend the board of directors meeting for discussion of the ordinances. This discussion and review will take place the last scheduled meeting in September. After board and fire marshal make their suggestions and corrections, the ordinances will be scheduled to take effect October 1st., upon boards approval. The ordinances make be viewed through this website or paper copies may be obtained from the district administration office at 6 S. Church Street. Any questions please contact the fire marshal at 573-468-6161 or
Contractors or Business owners who are applying for a permit are responsible for following the Sullivan Fire District codes and ordinances. The district has adopted the 2018 ICC codes along with the adoptions of the ordinances. They may be found at the link below.
The City of Sullivan and the Sullivan Fire Protection District are two separate entities. For construction inside the city limits a permit is required from both organizations.
The OSHA fire service features book might help explain why codes and ordinances are enforced for life safety and property conservation.